P003 → Fabrica de Cultura:
Escuela Distrital de Artes y Tradiciones Populares
Fabrica de Cultura Complex: Coltabaco Building, Public Plaza and School of Carnival, Photo by Iwan Baan
“The project consolidates the Carnival, Arts, and Popular Traditions, in the post-industrial port area of Barrio Abajo, on the site of the Coltabaco heritage structure, framing a new Public Plaza with a Multifunctional Carnival School building.”
Barrio Abajo context with Fabrica de Cultura Complex
Fabrica combines spaces for the 11 disciplines of the UNESCO World Heritage Carnival: open for 2800 students to join in music, dance, sculpture, instrument-, costum design, painting, theater, cooking, digital cineman, and autio techniques.
While the project provides a platform, it does not institutionalize the carnival. On 10.824 m2, its architecture celebrates the history of open learning and makes the intangible production process of the vernacular art and culture tangible for the people of Barranquilla.
2nd floor Coltabaco, 3rd floor School of Carnival
A-A’ Cross-section / B-B’ Longitudinal section
Surface Area:
With Support of:
ETH Zurich, Hubert Klumpner, Diego Ceresuela-Wiesmann
UniNorte, Manuel Moreno
Design and Construction 2018 - 2022
Secretariat of Culture, Heritage and Tourism Municipality of Barranquilla-Colombia
10’824 m2
direct = + 2’800 Students/year
indirect = + 10’000 community, visitors and artists EDA
30’000 Mio COP with a contribution of 23’000 Mio COP by the Sistema General de Regalias (SGR) / OCAD
State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) / Swiss Government;
Municipality of Barranquilla;
Gobernación del Atlántico, Financial Institution for Development (FINDETER), Inter-American Development Bank (IDB)
Spatial organisation and program distribution